Krátke zhrnutie informácii o výskyte SALMONELOZY vo fabrike Barry Callebaut, Wieze.
- žiaden tovar neopustil fabriku
- kontaminácia sa týka len tekutej časti produkcie
- k nálezu prišlo 27.6. , ani prakticky ani teoreticky nie je možne aby boli zasiahnutý nakoľko doručenie je min 10 dní od dátumu výroby.
- nalez bol identifikovaný priamo vo výrobe a oznámenie o náleze bol zverejnene fabrikou.
- nález sa týka len fabriky Wieze, ostatné produkty , ostaté fabriky su v poriadku.
Barry Callebaut Group
● Barry Callebaut detected a salmonella positive production lot manufactured in the chocolate factory in Wieze
● All chocolate products manufactured in Wieze since June 25 were placed on hold
● As precautionary measure, Barry Callebaut stopped chocolate production in Wieze, while continuing the root cause analysis and risk assessment
● When the analyses is completed, all chocolate production lines will be cleaned and disinfected before resuming the production process
Wieze, Belgium, June 29, 2022 – On Monday June 27, Barry Callebaut detected a salmonella positive production lot manufactured in Wieze. For Barry Callebaut food safety is paramount. Our robust food safety programmes in place allowed us to quickly identify lecithin as the source of the contamination. Barry Callebaut informed the Belgian food authorities (FAVV) about the incident and has taken the precautionary measure to stop all chocolate production lines and to block all products manufactured since the time of testing. The chocolate production in Wieze will remain suspended until further notice.
Our quality experts identified lecithin as the source of the contamination. As lecithin is used in all chocolate production, we have taken the precautionary measure to stop all production lines and to block all products manufactured since the time of testing, while we continue the root cause analysis and risk assessment. Out of precaution we have also asked our customers to block any shipped products.
Food Safety is paramount for Barry Callebaut and this is a very exceptional case. Not only do we have a Food Safety charter and procedure in place, we also have over twenty people working on food safety and quality in Europe. In our local site in Wieze, we train our people to recognize food safety risks. This allowed us to quickly identify the risk and successfully start the root cause analysis.
Barry Callebaut will now take the time to continue with the very diligent root cause analysis – keeping the FAVV informed in the process.
When that is completed the lines will be cleaned and disinfected before resuming the production process.